Our podiatrists and office staff keep up with the latest foot-care products and treatment options and share these updates with patients and other visitors to our website in their blog posts. Follow our blog to learn what you can do to improve your foot and ankle health to maintain your active lifestyle.
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Safety Tips For Hitting The BeachFollow these safety tips this summer when hitting the beach. Avoid sun burn, blisters, burns and so much more with these quick and easy tips.
Ouch! Achilles Tendonitis Can Really Hurt.The Achilles tendon is the most commonly injured tendon because of athletic injuries. Due to overuse, an injury or stress, or degeneration, this tendon can become inflamed. Learn about some common symptoms to know when you have damaged your Achilles tendon.
Make Your Socks Work For YouBesides keeping your feet warm or making a fun fashion statement, socks are very important. More than just padding or cushioning, they actually serve as a barrier between the shoes and the feet. A good pair of socks can prevent a variety of foot problems.
Choose the Right Shoes for Your Exercise RoutineThe right athletic shoe can make a big difference in success with your chosen exercise or sport. Investing in a separate, specific pair of shoes for each activity will really pay off. Here are some quick guidelines.
Fixing Your Ugly FeetAt Cornerstone Foot & Ankle, we treat a lot of patients just like you who want to be able to hit the beach or throw on a pair of sandals without having to worry about discolored, damaged, unpleasant looking nails or nail fungus. Find the right solution for you!
Learn More About Orthotics: Their Benefits and Functionality Will Surprise You!Custom–fitted orthotics are completely individualized as they are not based just on your foot size. These unique devices are made precisely to the shape and form of your foot and will fit and support only you. Custom–made orthotics are the way to go to address your specific foot requirements.
KeryFlex: The Solution For Ugly FeetKeryFlex is considered to be the “gold standard” cosmetic improvement to compliment laser fungal treatments. A series of KeryFlex treatments are applied during the time it takes new nails to clear. Applications are stopped when new nails emerge.
Ingrown Toenails: What? How? Why?When a toenail is ingrown, it is curved and grows into the skin, usually at the nail borders (the sides of the nail). This “digging in” of the nail irritates the skin, often creating pain, redness, swelling, drainage and warmth in the toe.
Say Goodbye To Stinky Sweaty FeetMany people experience sweaty feet from time to time. However, for some people excessive foot sweating is a persistent problem which can be difficult to manage and most likely lead to smelly feet. Here are some tips to prevent sweaty stinky feet!
Wet Shoes? Don’t Let Your Feet Suffer!When water seeps through your shoe, your skin absorbs the water causing your feet to become waterlogged, wrinkly, Athlete’s foot and fungal infections.