What is Peripheral Arterial Disease?
- Progressive circulatory condition
- Clogged or narrowed arteries cause poor circulation to the arms, legs, brain or kidneys.
- Occurs most often in the lower extremities
- Decreased blood flow to the legs and feet.
- Increases risk for stroke or heart attack
Without treatment, PAD can lead to:
- Resting leg pain
- Non-healing ulcers
- Gangrene
- Amputation
- Increased risk for heart attack or stroke
Risk Factors for PAD
- Diabetes
- History of tobacco use
- Hypertension
- Hyperlipidemia
- Patients whose toes or feet are pale, discolored or bluish
- Patients who have diminished or absent pedal (foot) pulses
- Patients with a history of renal disease
- Patients with a history of cardiac disease
Indications for PAD
- Claudication (pain while walking)
- Rest Pain
- Ulcerations
- Gangrene
- Extremity Trauma
- Lower Extremity Embolism or Thrombosis
Cornerstone Foot & Ankle now offers in office testing for Peripheral Arterial Disease. The test is noninvasive and should only take about 30-40 minutes. If you think you have PAD, contact our office to schedule an appointment.