The holidays are all about traditions. Did you watch the Times Square crystal ball drop or maybe enjoy a local fireworks show? Or did you celebrate with a quiet evening at home with family and friends?
Although we celebrate the New Year with many diverse traditions, there is one thing that most of us have in common, we make resolutions for the coming year. If you’ve resolved to take better care of your health, don’t forget that foot health is a major wellness component.
Resolve to take good care of your feet in 2023 with these simple steps:
- Protect your feet with comfortable, sturdy shoes, boots, and sandals. Save your flip–flops for the poolside and the beach. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen to your feet too.
- Clean your feet every day with soapy water and dry thoroughly, especially between the toes.
- Soothe after washing by applying a rich foot lotion or cream – but not between the toes. Moisturize toenails with cuticle cream or petroleum jelly.
- Invest in your feet with new, well-made shoes with plenty of support. Shop later in the day when feet are largest and measure both feet each time. Give your toes plenty of wiggle room.
- Trim toenails straight across to prevent ingrown toenails – don’t round at the edges.
- Check your feet every day, especially if you have diabetes. Look for foot fungus or any type of damage like cracked skin, abrasions or puncture wounds that are not healing.
- Stretch your feet and ankles along with the rest of your body to keep them flexible and help prevent injury.
- Put your feet up often during the day to help your circulation and take pressure off muscles and tendons.
For patients with diabetes, please add one more resolution. Come in to our office regularly – at least once a year – for a thorough checkup. It’s important to check for neuropathy by testing for loss of sensation. We’ll also assess your overall foot health and inspect your feet closely for any sign of injury. Left untreated, any foot damage can lead to serious problems in those with diabetes.
Cornerstone Foot & Ankle is a full service foot and ankle specialty office with locations in Sewell, Cherry Hill, Marlton, Mt. Holly, and Glassboro; serving the South Jersey region. We offer a full suite of services including surgery, fracture care, fungal nail care, diabetic foot care, pediatric podiatry, custom braces and orthotics, wound care, limb salvage, and treatments for arch pain, heel pain, and sports injuries; just to name a few. If it hurts below your knee, we can help you! CALL NOW or request your appointment online TODAY!